Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Go to My Account in the top right hand corner and then Account Information. There is an email field below the account name.
Yes. Similar to the above you can go to My Account and then Account Information. There is a check box at the bottom of the page.
On the login page there is a link to the password reset page.
In my Account and then Address Book you can keep a list of billing and shipping address and update them as needed.
Please complete a Contact Us form, call (847)364-1232, or
e-mail [email protected] to request pricing for items in bulk. When completing the form, choose “Price Inquiry” as the Inquiry Type, and a customer service representative will contact you with pricing and any additional information needed.
Yes we support using purchase orders on check out for pre-approved customers. Please complete a Contact Us form, call (847)364-1232, or e-mail [email protected] to request using purchase orders. When completing the form, choose “Price Inquiry” as the Inquiry Type, and a customer service representative will contact you with any additional information needed.
On our customer service page there is general shipping and delivery information. For shipping information related to a particular order you can go to Account and then My Orders.
Jedwards International is committed to protecting all private customer information and have a clear privacy policy. Please see our Privacy Policy page for details.
QAI is our Organic Certifying Agency, Organic certification verifies that your farm or handling facility located anywhere in the world complies with the USDA organic regulations and allows you to sell, label, and represent your products as organic.
Virgin is considered the natural/raw material with the characteristic color, flavor, and aroma. Refining removes these properties so the material is a lighter shade than the virgin material and often times clear, off-white, or white with little-to-no scent or flavor.
Refined, bleached (non-chemical process), deodorized.
Non-genetically modified organism; by definition, all organic materials are Non-GMO.
We do not advise on usage or formulation and refer customers to the Code of Federal Regulations.